Most popular recipes

Happy New Year! We took a little time off from posting because to be honest, we needed a break.
At some point, we committed to ourselves to post once a week. While it's been great practice for writing, photographing food, and creating recipes, it's also a ton of work :)
This year, we're hoping to blend this blog with a little more of who we are (people who love food) and what we do (photography for people that are proud to tell their story).
One of the posts I'm most proud of is our very first entry. It tells the story of why we started this blog, and what it is to us: a place to explore how we're connected to food.
Of course, we'll keep posting recipes and thoughts on habits, nutrition and creativity, but we plan to sprinkle in more about our lives and work, too.
Most Popular Recipes
Before going forward, we decided to look back at some of our most popular recipes. Here they are, in no specific order:
Cauliflower 'Rice' with Mushrooms & Spinach
Sesame Salmon and Cucumber Salad
Blackberry Banana Chia Pudding
What they have in common
They're simple. I think people will always love simple recipes.
As much as amazing restaurants and shows like Chef's Table inspire us through their art, we all have a pull for the familiar and comforting, at least for cooking at home.
What's your favorite recipe?

Photography team on the West Coast. Mostly working with companies and magazines in the food world. Our clients are proud of their product, story, or mission (or all three), and we help them produce their idea into a reality.