National Parks

"Going to go look at some rocks, huh?"
the guy at the REI checkout asked, after I told him about our trip.
At the start, that's not quite how I imagined our 18-day road trip last fall to visit National Parks in NV, AZ, UT and CA. He made it seem a little... mundane.
In retrospect, though, that's pretty much exactly what we did.
3000+ miles, 9 National Parks, 4 states, and 16 days outdoors - looking at rocks.
Not to say that rocks aren't beautiful. In fact, that's what's amazing about the west. So much of it is just rocks. But take the ordinary, layer it with time and variation, and out comes beauty.
It's actually what I love about food, too. Ingredients often feel so ordinary. We're desensitized to the awesomeness of a raspberry, or the magic of a carrot.
Simple, yes. But also amazing.

Photography team on the West Coast. Mostly working with companies and magazines in the food world. Our clients are proud of their product, story, or mission (or all three), and we help them produce their idea into a reality.